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15375 - NC 6-12: Routines for Reasoning in the Math Classroom - Virtual

276 NCCAT Dr Cullowhee, NC 28723

Note: This program is virtual.

Designed for teachers in grades 6-12.

We know mathematics is more than just computing numbers; it is about reasoning to problem solve. How do we encourage students to think as mathematicians? This program, based on the book Routines for Reasoning, will explore a range of routines that can be used in the classroom to facilitate students’ mathematical reasoning. Utilizing the eight mathematical practices, the routines learned in this program will empower teachers to help students scaffold word problems, develop deeper understandings of quantities, and make connections to big ideas in math. Join this program to vertically collaborate with colleagues from across the state and develop new instructional routines to strengthen students’ critical thinking skills. This program is intended for teachers who teach math in grades 6-12. The program will include cumulative K-12 sessions as well as grade span breakout sessions. 


15374 - NC K-5: Routines for Reasoning in the Math Classroom - Virtual

276 NCCAT Dr Cullowhee, NC 28723

Note: This program is now virtual.

Designed for teachers in grades K-5.

How do we encourage students to think as mathematicians? This program, based on the book Routines for Reasoning, will explore a range of routines that can be used in the classroom to facilitate students’ mathematical reasoning. Utilizing the eight mathematical practices, the routines learned in this program will empower teachers to help students scaffold word problems, develop deeper understandings of quantities, and make connections to big ideas in math. Join this program to vertically collaborate with colleagues from across the state and develop new instructional routines to strengthen students’ critical thinking skills. This program is intended for math teachers in grades K-5. The program will include cumulative K-12 sessions as well as grade span breakout sessions. 


15372 - MakerSpace 101: Using the Maker Movement to Reach All Students’ Needs - Virtual

Note: This program is virtual

Explore how teachers and students with no prior knowledge can use the Maker Movement to become inventors and designers. Teachers will learn the basics of the Maker Movement and how to integrate hands-on creative lessons into their standards to reach the needs of all students. We will explore green screen projects, basic robotics, coding, design theory, 3D printing, building and making, STEAM projects, and much more!


15371 - Catalyzing Student Engagement & Mastery through Project Based Learning - Virtual

NOtE: This will be a virtual program

What if rather than hearing your students say, “I’m not good at math,” (or science) you could hear them say “math is my favorite class!”?  This session is for high school math and science teachers ready to learn how to use the elements of authentic Project Based Learning as a catalyst to restore the joy, wonder, and excitement of these subjects, while also enabling an increase in rigor and student depth of knowledge. Participants will work in a collaborative environment to develop a working knowledge of the elements of High Quality PBL, including how to leverage school and community resources to make the learning more applicable and relevant to things students care about. Join us with one or more project ideas that will be transformed into a single, standards-based project that is ready for launch in your school.