NCCAT Online Quarter 4 will be available April 14-June 13. Applications will be available in early April.
All communications will be delivered via NCCAT. It is common for our emails to be sent to Junk/Spam folders. Please alter your email settings accordingly for these emails to arrive in your inbox.
If you are a returning user, after selecting your desired courses (MAXIMUM OF TWO), enter your username and password. If you do not remember your username and/or password, email [email protected].
Who is eligible?
- North Carolina teachers with an active North Carolina Teaching License.
Is there a charge for NCCAT Online?
- There is no charge for NCCAT Online courses.
How much credit can I earn?
- NCCAT Online courses are self-paced modules. Depending on the course, participants can earn 5 to 15 contact hours.
- We recommend educators check with their school district to verify acceptance of contact hours from the NCCAT Online courses towards CEUs.
- Educators can register for a maximum of two (2) courses per quarter. An email will be sent out for the courses you are placed in.
- Certificates will be emailed by the end of the quarter for those who successfully complete the course. Certificates will be emailed within 10 business days of the end of the quarter, but only in special circumstances do we issue certificates before the quarter ends.
How do I enroll?
- See link above for registration.
- Placement notifications will be sent out within five (5) business days of registration. Please check your email for updates from NCCAT.
How do I access my Canvas password through myNCCAT?
- After registering for your course(s), you will receive an email providing you with the relevant information. Check your spam/junk folder regularly, as it is common for our emails to go in there. Upon receiving notification of your placement, along with your login information, visit to access your courses. New users have to create a password by clicking “forgot password.”
Who do I contact if I have questions/problems with accessing my online course?
- For assistance with registration, please contact Teacher Services at [email protected]
- For assistance with accessing a Canvas course, please contact Jason Lineberger at [email protected]
- For technical assistance using Canvas, please access to submit a Help ticket.