NCCAT Online presents "Supporting Students as Problem Solvers in the Math Classroom."
COVID-19 Virus Information
Registration Note: Please provide your email when asking a registration or technology questions so we can respond with the requested information. We appreciate your patience as we continue to deliver professional development.
Focus Friday - Phonics at NCCAT
We appreciate the teachers joining us today in Cullowhee for “Focus Friday: Literacy Badge 2: Phonics.” Great group!
National Board Certification initial candidates work at NCCAT
Initial National Board Certification candidates joined the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) for a weekend of facilitated support and collaboration Feb. 21-23 in Cullowhee.
NCCAT Maker Lab ready for professional development
Adventures in Biotechnology High School Lab program applications
Summer 2020 Adventures in Biotechnology High School Lab program applications have opened. At Biogen’s Adventures in Biotechnology students will conduct a hands-on lab project, meet and interact with scientists and biotech professionals, and get an inside view of a biotech company!
15351 - Visual Literacy and the Digital Learning competencies in the Art Classroom - Ocracoke
Visual literacy relates to the language of art—how it is organized, and how it is used to communicate as a language of its own. It relates to all aspects of becoming “art literate,” including an understanding of how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used for personal expression and for communication through art. In art, visual literacy encompasses the application of creative thinking skills while solving artistic problems. In this program, art teachers will learn how to encompass the use of digital resources to enhance instruction of visual literacy and safety in the art classroom. Art teachers will explore a variety of digital tools in order to create Hyper Docs, ePortfolios, and video/audio products.