Open to teachers in their first, second, or third year of teaching, this program supports motivated beginning teachers by strengthening their knowledge base and classroom expertise. Teachers will develop their craft by understanding how to teach to the depth of their standards and differentiating for multiple levels of learners. Beginning educators will also have the opportunities to refine their teaching philosophies and class expectations.
Belk Foundation grant helps make Literacy Leaders Conference possible
NCCAT had an amazing week of learning and sharing last week with the first NCCAT Literacy Leaders Conference.
NCCAT professional development programs through June available now
The North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) professional programs through June are now open for registration. CLICK HERE TO VIEW PROGRAMS
16058 Supporting Instructional Coaches to Lead the Way - Cullowhee
Supporting the practices of instructional coaches is critical in NC schools. This program will prepare coaches for this ever-changing profession. Throughout the week, coaches will learn strategies to strengthen relationships with teachers, facilitate meaningful collaboration, and give effective feedback. Sessions will include best practices for having critical conversations and establishing productive professional learning communities with students’ success in mind. Join NCCAT to learn and collaborate with instructional coaches from across NC. This program is designed for K-12 instructional coaches.
16057 Building Relationships: Learning and the Brain - Cullowhee
When teachers know and begin to understand how the brain learns, they can better serve their students, thus increasing positive behavior and academic performance. Understanding the science behind how we are hard wired to learn is empowering for educators. There is a strong relationship between the brain, SEL, and learning. The frontal lobe houses the structures where most brain activity occurs when people care about each other, trust each other, and want to be friends. It is also home to our executive control function, where we make decisions, process information, and learn. Through a combination of interactive lecture, practical activities, and meaningful movement; you will leave with the skills, understanding, and knowledge needed to become an awesome brain-based educator.
16056 Flex-ible Differentiation - Cullowhee
High quality core instruction includes differentiation strategies. What are the options for differentiation when instruction must be flexible enough to meet the needs of students in face-to-face and virtual settings? In this session, learn about playlists, menus, choice boards and hyperdocs and how each one can support differentiated instruction in a blended learning environment. This program is designed for teachers and instructional coaches in grades 6-12.
16055 Literacy for Dual Language Teachers - Ocraocke
There is a clear science to teaching reading. Due to advancements in cognitive science, we know more about how our students learn to read than ever before. Participants will delve into current Science of Reading research to support learning around the essential components of reading instruction and how to apply it in your Spanish dual language classroom. Please join us as we spend quality time looking closely into best instructional practices that support the Science of Reading in your elementary Spanish dual language classroom. This program is intended for Spanish Dual Language teachers in kindergarten through fifth-grade.
16054 NCCAT Foundational Skills #6: Literacy Badge/The Writing and Reading Connections - Cullowhee
NCCAT will hold a six-session series focused on a research-to-practice exploration of the foundational skills in early literacy. Effective instruction in these fundamental components holds the key to life-long learning for every child in your classroom.
Attend all six and earn an NCCAT literacy badge or attend individual sessions to deepen your own understanding of the building blocks of beginning reading. This class will focus on the connections between writing and reading. Writing directly benefits students reading skills. If you have students write about what they ve read or learned you will dramatically improve reading comprehension. There is a reciprocal relationship between reading and writing. Engagement and instruction in one results in improvement in the other. This program is intended for teachers and coaches in kindergarten through fifth-grade.
16053 Environment and Genetics: The Science Connection - Cullowhee
Our physical, psychological, and emotional wellbeing are interconnected. Through experiential lessons learn about the latest research on the connection between our environment and our genetics. Participants will study light, circadian rhythms, genetics, body systems, macromolecules, and more found in science standards grades 3—12. Literacy, science, and social studies will be featured in our activities as we discover how to make science standards applicable to our students’ lives.
16046 Strategies for Content Area Reading - Cullowhee
Reading doesn’t stop when students leave their English Language Arts classrooms. During this session participants will explore before, during, and after reading strategies to strengthen content area reading. The role of vocabulary and writing to learn will be incorporated into reading strategies as well. Participants will develop a flexible plan for supporting student engagement in content-area reading. This program is designed for language arts teachers and instructional coaches in grades 4-9.