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14663 • Living a Math Life: The New NC Math Standards Best Practices K–3-Cullowhee

276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee, NC 28723

Math instruction involves much more than understanding of standards. Come learn how to live a “math life” and think like a mathematician while incorporating math standards and digital learning into your instruction. We will explore differentiated support and consider best practices through John Hattie’s work Visible Learning for Mathematics. Learn how the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) effective teaching practices and the standards for mathematical practice reinforce pacing and students’ meaningful understanding of important mathematics. Select appropriate math tasks that give all students access and opportunity for learning.

Click here to apply now.

14661 • Success From the Start: How to Survive and Thrive Your First Three Years in the Classroom-Cullowhee

276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee, NC 28723

Open to teachers in their first, second, or third year of teaching, this program supports motivated beginning teachers by strengthening their knowledge base and classroom expertise. Through experiential learning, teachers will explore pedagogical concerns including differentiated instruction, brain-compatible teaching, assessment, the effect of poverty on achievement and behavior, and classroom management. Come prepared to build professional competence and confidence, improve student achievement, and reinforce your commitment to this critically important profession.

Click here to apply.

14660 • Teaching Generation Z: Active and Digital Learning-Cullowhee

276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee, NC 28723

Generation Z has never known a world without cell phones, texting, and the Internet. Our students are more comfortable with the use of technology than former generations. However, this technology-driven style of learning seems to have resulted in a generation of learners who seek immediate gratification—are prone to boredom and ready to jump to the end of the book. How do we teach the Zs? In a mash-up of professional education—a blend of an EdCamp, an interdisciplinary conference on active learning and assessment, and a gamification boot camp—educators will answer that question.

Click here to apply.

14659 • Teacher Leadership Institute: Teachers of the Year-Ocracoke

2 Irvin Garrish Highway, PO Box 1540, Ocracoke, NC 27960

North Carolina’s 2017–2018 Teachers of the Year are invited to join us on Ocracoke Island to examine educational leadership and positive responses to institutional change. Teachers of the Year have heard the call to leadership, but what is the next step? Discover how to continue your growth as an educational professional. True leadership emerges naturally from the integrity and identity of the leader. Explore your own integrity and selfhood in a community of other dedicated teachers who are embracing leadership in their own lives. Look into your leadership strengths and areas of growth by focusing on challenges inside and outside the educational realm. This program will not focus on management principles. Rather, taking our own lives as text, we will explore our inner character to become more conscious of the foundation from which we lead. Join in our dialogue about how teachers can spread their enthusiasm for learning to other members of the school community.

Invitations will be mailed to system level Teachers of the Year in March 2018.

14658 • Thinking with a Pencil: Exploring Writing as a Tool for Thought-Cullowhee

276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee, NC 28723

Designed for teachers in grades K–3.

Discover new ways to turn reading strategies into writing opportunities that deepen comprehension and extend student learning. This intensive, interactive program will focus on the power of the teacher as the mentor-model in exploring multiple tools for unlocking thinking in the classroom—through the process of uncovering your own writing life. Strategies will include the use of journal responses, writing as inquiry across the content areas, and the power of authentic interactions with poetry and prompts.

Click here to apply.

14657 • The Canvas Connection: Beginning Users-Cullowhee

276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee, NC 28723

Canvas, North Carolina’s Learning Management System (LMS), is your place for one-stop learning and course management. Teachers will become familiar with the features of Canvas such as the settings, notifications, and tools in building a course. Create modules using a variety of items such as discussions, assignments, quizzes, and content pages. Set up generic or tailored rubrics for use with a variety of content. This program is designed for beginning users and will allow time to experiment, collaborate, and build at your own pace. Teachers will have a module or more ready to implement on returning to the classroom.

Click here to apply.

NCCAT Alumna Kara Ball Selected as National Teacher of the Year Finalist

Cullowhee, NC

CULLOWHEE—Kara Ball, an alumna of the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, has been selected as one of the four finalists for the the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) National Teacher of the Year.

Ball, a 4/5 grade teacher at DeLalio Elementary School teaches science, technology, engineering and math. She attended the program “Catching Up With Your Students: Digital Learning” at NCCAT in 2015. She is the 2018 Department of Defense Education Activity Teacher of the Year.

Elevate Educators and Schools with NCCAT Professional Development in 2018

Cullowhee, NC

The North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, a nationally recognized leader in teacher professional development, is offering teachers several programs for professional development to start out 2018.

NCCAT has identified and targeted professional development priorities for North Carolina educators. We solicited and listened to district curriculum leaders and teachers while incorporating state legislation and licensure updates when determining our programming this year.

NCCAT Honored Educator Scholarship Program Application Process Open

Cullowhee, NC

CULLOWHEE—NCCAT's Honored Educator Scholarship (HES) program pays tribute to outstanding educators and individuals by providing scholarship funds in their names. Scholarship funds can be named in honor of classroom teachers, coaches, administrators, school board members, or community volunteers—anyone whose teaching or influence in public education has made a positive difference in the lives of others. Each fully endowed scholarship is awarded annually to a North Carolina teacher based on criteria determined by the scholarship benefactor.