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Curate the Web to Create Dynamic Presentations

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Hola! How about some Spanish lessons today as the blog series with NCCAT presenter Glenn Gurley Jr. continues. Here is a post to Edmodo of using technology and learning of language from Ms. Anne Penley, a teacher at South Caldwell High School in Hudson, N.C. Anne used Blendspace to create a digital resource for her classroom. Here is the link.

13785 • Research and Development Teams: Early Grades Literacy Focus - Ocracoke

2 Irvin Garrish Highway, PO Box 1540, Ocracoke NC 27960

The NCCAT Research and Development program offers educators an opportunity to meet in a residential setting devoid of distraction to create and advance departmental, school, or district-wide projects. These projects might consist of new programming, research, planning, or curricula. Gather a team together to create or refine your own innovative approaches to early grades literacy or digital learning. Early grades literacy or digital learning projects will be given preference. All projects will be considered. Come prepared to share your knowledge and progress with other teams from around our state.
The application process requires submission of a project proposal from your team, and an NCCAT application from each individual. Teachers, administrators, central office personnel and district coordinators are encouraged to apply.

Social Networking

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Throughout the seminar, participants used TodaysMeet as a backchannel for communication. This microblogging tool allowed for discussion among teachers for them to make comments, ask questions, and share resources at any time. Visit the archives of the NCCAT Digital TodaysMeet Room used during the week.

Learning in the 21st Century

Welcome, this week we will be posting daily blog entries from work done by teachers at one of our recent technology seminars led by instructional technology consultant Glenn Gurley, Jr.

Teachers were introduced to a variety of 21st century learning environments and strategies for providing students with effective instruction that leads to student learning using available classroom technology.