Throughout the seminar, participants used TodaysMeet as a backchannel for communication. This microblogging tool allowed for discussion among teachers for them to make comments, ask questions, and share resources at any time. Visit the archives of the NCCAT Digital TodaysMeet Room used during the week.
Edmodo is a social network used in the educational setting to network teachers so they can share thoughts, exchange ideas, etc. Here is a helpful post on the seminar Edmodo from Mrs. Candice Greedy, a third grade teacher at Hendersonville Elementary in Hendersonville. It is always great to see edmodoglennteachers share information from district to district on what works and how.
Click here for a link to Henderson County Public Schools approved web tools.
What are some social networking web tools you find helpful in the classroom? Tell us here and join us tomorrow for more from our digital learning seminars.
Thank you for joining us. Tomorrow we’ll talk about how to curate the Web to create dynamic presentations.