14866 • MTSS: Secondary Best Practices-Cullowhee
Designed for teachers of grades 6–12
MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) is the umbrella under which all educational practices fall. It has two main pillars: RtI (Responsiveness to Instruction/Intervention) and PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports). These two areas incorporate all academic and behavioral learning. What have we learned from the experts over the past decades? What does the research tell us about optimal teaching behaviors that equate to maximum learning outcomes? How can we change our behavior to ensure positive and thriving student behaviors? This program is intended to offer the big picture—the major areas that will yield the biggest impact, some of the latest research, as well as practical implementation suggestions and resources. Plan to leave with ideas, resources, and a game plan for your classroom and possibly your school!