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Gathering of Holocaust Educators held at NCCAT

276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee 28723

Teachers from around North Carolina for joining us for the "Gathering of Holocaust Educators." NCCAT’s Holocaust Education Program works to promote Holocaust education in North Carolina public schools. It is important to continue our efforts to promote student understanding of the ways in which our individual and collective actions shape the direction of the present and the world of the future.

Iredell-Statesville Schools educator receives NCCAT Honored Educator Scholarship

Congratulations to Kinsi King of South Iredell High School in Iredell-Statesville Schools on receiving the NCCAT Richard L. Thompson Honored Educator Scholarship.The scholarship provides travel and money to use in the classroom. NCCAT helps North Carolina teachers grow in knowledge, skills, compassion, and professionalism so that students become engaged, self-motivated, and successful.


276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee 28723

NCCAT is proud to announce scholarship awards for five outstanding teachers to attend a Holocaust Educator Seminar in Poland this summer.  The five scholarship recipients stood out from among 45 teachers who applied. They will be awarded these scholarships from the NCCAT Development Foundation’s Holocaust Endowment Fund. A decision about the trip will be made later as world events allow.

Creating and Fostering the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Ocracoke

2 Irving Garrish Hwy, Ocracoke, NC 27960

Exciting program going on at NCCAT Ocracoke now - "Creating and Fostering the Entrepreneurial Spirit." What is an entrepreneur? How do Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Business, Finance, and Marketing teachers help students explore connecting their creative interests to entrepreneurship? We will learn about career opportunities in a small tourist town and talk to business owners to learn how their entrepreneurial spirit launched their businesses. We will connect how learning local environments plays an important role in a successful business.

Flex Your Reading Instruction program in Ocracoke

Teachers from across North Carolina joined us for "Flex Your Reading Instruction" in Ocracoke. Student choice is a powerful way to engage students and ignite learning. Session participants were able to learn about how the Flex model of Blended Learning can provide students with choices about how they read, discuss, and analyze texts in collaborative learning groups. Participants collaborated with colleagues to write an implementation plan and develop resources to use with students.

Introduction to the Science of Reading with NCCAT in April

276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee 28723

There is a clear science to teaching reading. Due to advancements in cognitive science, we know more about how our students learn to read than ever before. Please join us as we spend a day looking closely into best instructional practices that support the Science of Reading.

Join us for "Introduction to the Science of Reading" in Cullowhee on April 5th.