Congratulations to Kinsi King of South Iredell High School in Iredell-Statesville Schools on receiving the NCCAT Richard L. Thompson Honored Educator Scholarship.The scholarship provides travel and money to use in the classroom. NCCAT helps North Carolina teachers grow in knowledge, skills, compassion, and professionalism so that students become engaged, self-motivated, and successful.
16170 Literacy for ESL Teachers Kindergarten - Fifth Grade - Ocracoke
The five components of effective literacy instruction are of particular importance to our English Language Learners including Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. Writing is also a key component and is one avenue for meaningful use of language. English Language Learners can often participate in writing activities, even when their speaking skills are limited. Elementary ESL teachers will explore these components while collaborating with colleagues and a district ESL coach to learn how to help their pupils improve their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills based on reading science. This program is intended for ESL teachers and coaches in kindergarten through fifth-grade.