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NCCAT Alumna Kara Ball Selected as National Teacher of the Year Finalist

Cullowhee, NC

CULLOWHEE—Kara Ball, an alumna of the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, has been selected as one of the four finalists for the the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) National Teacher of the Year.

Ball, a 4/5 grade teacher at DeLalio Elementary School teaches science, technology, engineering and math. She attended the program “Catching Up With Your Students: Digital Learning” at NCCAT in 2015. She is the 2018 Department of Defense Education Activity Teacher of the Year.

Elevate Educators and Schools with NCCAT Professional Development in 2018

Cullowhee, NC

The North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, a nationally recognized leader in teacher professional development, is offering teachers several programs for professional development to start out 2018.

NCCAT has identified and targeted professional development priorities for North Carolina educators. We solicited and listened to district curriculum leaders and teachers while incorporating state legislation and licensure updates when determining our programming this year.

NCCAT Honored Educator Scholarship Program Application Process Open

Cullowhee, NC

CULLOWHEE—NCCAT's Honored Educator Scholarship (HES) program pays tribute to outstanding educators and individuals by providing scholarship funds in their names. Scholarship funds can be named in honor of classroom teachers, coaches, administrators, school board members, or community volunteers—anyone whose teaching or influence in public education has made a positive difference in the lives of others. Each fully endowed scholarship is awarded annually to a North Carolina teacher based on criteria determined by the scholarship benefactor.

Charter School Teacher of the Year Shares NCCAT Experience

Cullowhee, NC

Deborah Brown, the 2017–2018 North Carolina Charter School Teacher of the Year, has been a participant and presenter at the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, a nationally recognized leader in teacher professional development. Mrs. Brown shared her thoughts below on her time at NCCAT. We appreciate her dedication to education and the chance we’ve had to work with her here at NCCAT.

Cleveland County Educators join NCCAT for Teacher Leadership Institute

Cullowhee, NC

CULLOWHEE—A team of Cleveland County educators worked on creating more teacher leaders in the district during a specialized program from the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, a nationally recognized leader in professional development.

For four days in Cullowhee, the 34 educators took part in a variety of efforts to help teacher leadership flourish in the district. The Teacher Leadership Institute program is a new offering designed to respond to the needs of school districts.

NCCAT Begins “Focus Friday” with Program on Dyslexia

Cullowhee, NC

The North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) will be offering upcoming programs covering a variety of educational topics on upcoming Fridays.

The first is a “Focus Friday: A Deep Dive into Dyslexia” that will take place February 23, 2018 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Cullowhee at NCCAT, a nationally recognized leader in teacher professional development.

NCCAT Receives Grant to Support North Carolina STEM Teachers

Cullowhee, NC

CULLOWHEE—The North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation awarded a grant of $30,006 to the Development Foundation of the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, Inc., to support professional development programming in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for North Carolina teachers during the fiscal year 2017–2018.

Rockingham County Schools Takes Part in NCCAT Teacher Leadership Program

Cullowhee, NC

CULLOWHEE—During a Teacher Leadership Institute program 23 members of a Rockingham County Schools team focused on creating more teacher leaders while at the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, a nationally recognized leader in professional development.

The four-day program in Cullowhee allowed educators the chance to work on efforts to help teacher leadership in the Rockingham County district. The new offering is designed to respond to the needs of school districts.

Jackson County Educators Work on Teacher Leadership with NCCAT

Cullowhee, NC

CULLOWHEE—A team of Jackson County educators worked on creating more teacher leaders in the district during a specialized program from the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, a nationally recognized leader in professional development.

For four days in Cullowhee, the 13 educators took part in a variety of efforts to help teacher leadership flourish in the district. The Teacher Leadership Institute program is a new offering designed to respond to the needs of school districts.

NCCAT Online Registration Open Now

Cullowhee, NC

CULLOWHEE—Registration for the North Carolina Center for Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) Online courses is open.

NCCAT Online is freely available to all North Carolina licensed educators at no additional cost to you or your district. NCCAT Online Courses are short, self-paced modules where participants can earn 3, 5, or 10 contact hours, depending on the number of assignments participants are asked to complete.

Principal of the Year Speaks to Teachers at Ocracoke

Ocracoke, NC

OCRACOKE—Wells Fargo North Carolina Principal of the Year Jason Griffin made a presentation during the “Teacher Leadership Institute: Teachers of the Year” program in July at The North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching.

North Carolina’s 2016–2017 Teachers of the Year joined NCCAT, a national leader in professional development for teachers, in Ocracoke to examine educational leadership and positive responses to institutional change.