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NCCAT Presents “Reaching Reluctant Readers: Bringing Boys To Books”

CULLOWHEE—The statistics are consistent: young male readers lag behind their female counterparts in literacy skills. In many instances, the reading scores of boys bring down the reading scores for the entire school.

Join the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, a national leader in professional development, for “Reaching Reluctant Readers: Brining Boys to Books” in Cullowhee, Oct. 9–12.

Explore the social, psychological, and developmental reasons why boys lag behind girls. Identify reading materials you can use in your classroom to capture and keep the attention of your struggling readers. Experience a variety of instructional methods such as text selection designed for boys, contests and competitions, focus reading groups, and the latest websites and blogs to boost literacy achievement. Discover solutions to capture the attention of reluctant male readers and examine strategies that motivate boys to sustain reading in the classroom and at home.

The offering is designed for teachers in grades 4 to 12. The program number is 14468.


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