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The winner will be announced during a special ceremony on March 27, 2025, at the Elliott University Center auditorium on the campus of the University of North Carolina Greensboro.
Learn best practices in connecting students to digital learning and student leadership development through exploring project-based learning, service learning, and best practices for using AI in the classroom.
Our residential programs provide educators with the tools, strategies, and support to elevate their teaching. Each week, teachers engage in content-rich instruction, explore proven methodologies, and receive coaching to implement new insights effectively.

Latest News

 Dr. Jennifer Redfearn
North Carolina Center for Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) Senior STEM Specialist Dr. Jennifer Redfearn is a recipient of the North Carolina Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Center Outstanding Instructional Leaders Award in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education. This esteemed award recognizes and honors her outstanding contributions as an instructional leader to systemically improve performance in STEM Education as a means of providing all children with the necessary knowledge and skills to have successful careers, be good citizens, and advance the economy. The award will be presented at the NC SMT Annual Celebration on April 26 in Cary, NC.
Teachers talking at NCCAT.

Join NCCAT this May for All Kids Can Write, a dynamic professional development program designed for K–5 teachers. Discover innovative ways to transform reading strategies into writing opportunities that deepen comprehension and extend student learning. This interactive, in-depth program highlights the power of teacher mentorship in guiding students through the writing process. Enhance your own writing life and bring new energy to your classroom! Apply Today!