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WCU & NCCAT work together for beginning teachers

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We are very thankful to work with our friends across the street at Western Carolina University! As the story in the link below highlights ...

$45,000 went to Laura Cruz, Coulter Faculty Commons, for development of a series of training modules to help new teachers. Funded by the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation via the N.C. Center for the Advancement of Teaching.

NCCAT Releases Beginning Teacher Support Program Online Tools


CULLOWHEE (August 11, 2015)—One-third of the teachers in the United States leave the profession after three years and nearly half leave by the fifth year. To quell this loss of talent in North Carolina, the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching has created a digital library containing videos and other materials to aid teachers—novice and veteran—in mastering the most common sources of frustration and confusion: Behavior Management, Brain Compatible Teaching, Differentiated Instruction, Assessment, and Taking Care of Yourself.