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14358 • Google Tools in Schools-Cullowhee

276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee, NC 28723

Whether or not your school or district has adopted a Google Chromebook environment, if your LEA infrastructure allows for the use of Google Tools and/or Apps, the “Googlesphere” can be an immense help. It can aid in engaging students, keeping in touch with parents, automating feedback and assessment, sharing documents, and more. Hone your skills with the Google Chrome Browser, with Google Apps, with Android Apps, and with Chrome OS so that you can engage your students using freely available tools on almost any platform.

14357 • Motivating Disengaged Students-Cullowhee

276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee, NC 28723


Designed for teachers in grades 3–12.

Students are engaged when they are involved in their work, persist despite challenges and obstacles, and take visible delight in their accomplishments. Solving student engagement issues is complex. What works in one class may be a failure in the next, with every year presenting new challenges for engaging students in various lessons. This program will review and evaluate strategies for motivating disengaged students and will prepare you to implement them upon your return to the classroom.

14356 • Middle Grades ELA: Teaching Beyond the EOG-Cullowhee

276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee, NC 28723


Designed for ELA teachers of grades 6–8 and those who coach them.

Middle grades ELA inhabits a type of educational limbo. Intellectually, students are capable of taking on complex reading and writing tasks but many are still developing the necessary maturity to do so. This program will examine the knowledge and skills necessary to transition successfully from elementary to high school. Teachers will engage in and then craft their own language arts activities that engage both the child and the budding adult in each of their students. Activities will address reading, writing, thinking, speaking and listening skills.

14354 • Supporting the Literacy of Gifted Children-Ocracoke

2 Irvin Garrish Highway, PO Box 1540, Ocracoke, NC 27960


Designed for teachers of the elementary grades.

Meeting the needs of academically or intellectually gifted children can be a challenge for teachers who have these students in regular or enrichment classroom settings. The North Carolina General Assembly, through special legislation, mandates that public schools identify and serve gifted children, and each LEA is required to have an AIG plan. Join teachers of AIG students and experts in the field of gifted education as we investigate strategies to provide enhanced literacy instruction integrated across the curriculum. Create lessons that enrich, extend, and accelerate AIG literacy standards. Explore the policies and best practices of AIG expectations, create ways to challenge gifted children, enhance literacy needs, and encourage continual intellectual growth.

14353 • Integrating the Arts in the Elementary Literacy Classroom: From Media Arts to Dance-Cullowhee

276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee, NC 28723


Designed for elementary educators and administrators.

The Excellent Public Schools Act of 2013 has charged teachers with the responsibility of integrating arts education across the curriculum. Did you know that low-income students who are highly engaged in the arts are two times more likely to graduate college as their peers with no arts education? And did you know that students involved in the arts are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement? There is new research and a renewed focus across the nation on the value that the arts have in a child’s education. What can this mean for elementary literacy instruction? While most teachers are aware that children exposed to dance, drama, media arts, music and visual arts do a better job at mastering content in the non-art subject areas, many feel ill equipped at designing integrated literacy learning. Explore ways to engage students through arts-integrated literacy experiences and discover how the arts can motivate students while building critical skills that support literacy learning and mastery.