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Join NCCAT in March or April!

Cullowhee, NC

CULLOWHEE—High-quality teaching is important for student success. Explore elements of effective professional development and collaboration critical for growing and supporting great teachers by attending a North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching program at the Cullowhee or Ocracoke campus.

NCCAT, a nationally recognized leader in professional development, covers lodging, meals and conference materials. Travel and substitute teacher cost are not covered. Act now to make sure you have a place in these programs.

March programs include:

Math Professional Development Opportunity with NCCAT

Cullowhee, NC

CULLOWHEE—A special professional development program designed for high school math teachers will be available January 23–26 from the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, a nationally recognized leader in professional development.

“Math I: Reaching Out To Struggling Learners” takes place in January in Cullowhee. It is program number 14286.

Struggling learners often need concrete and visual experiences to develop understanding as they move seamlessly between linear, quadratic, and exponential functions and in creating equations.

14405 • Mission Possible: Covering Social Studies and Science Content Using Literacy - Ocracoke

2 Irvin Garrish Highway, PO Box 1540, Ocracoke, NC 27960

Elementary teachers may find that “fitting it all in” is impossible! Using informational text and technologies, elementary teachers will discover that not only is it possible to “fit it all in” it is fun! Examine the North Carolina Essential Standards and make connections to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, ELA and Writing Standards. Investigate text sets and the role they play in integrating multiple contents. Create engaging cross-curricular instructional units with culminating projects for assessments.

14404 • Motivating Disengaged Students - Cullowhee

276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee, NC 28723

Students are engaged when they are involved in their work, persist despite challenges and obstacles, and take visible delight in their accomplishments. Solving student engagement issues is complex. What works in one class may be a failure in the next, with every year presenting new challenges for engaging students in various lessons. This program will use a collaborative classroom process to address questions dealing with how to create a classroom culture and how to create classroom instructions that facilitates self-motivation, personal responsibility, and perseverance of students. Participants will also review and evaluate motivational strategies for engaging students that can be used upon their return to the classroom.

14402 • Thinking with a Pencil: Exploring Writing as a Tool for Thought - Ocracoke

2 Irvin Garrish Highway, PO Box 1540, Ocracoke, NC 27960

Designed for teachers of grades K–3.

Discover new ways to turn reading strategies into writing opportunities that deepen comprehension and extend student learning. This interactive program will explore multiple tools to unlock “thinking” in the classroom, including the use of journal responses, writing as inquiry across the content areas, and the power of authentic interactions with poetry and prompts.

14400 • Middle Grades ELA: Teaching Beyond the EOG - Cullowhee

276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee, NC 28723

Designed for ELA teachers of grades 6–8 and those who coach them.

Middle grades ELA inhabits a type of educational limbo. Intellectually, students are capable of taking on complex reading and writing tasks but many are still developing the necessary maturity to do so. This program will examine the knowledge and skills necessary to transition successfully from elementary to high school. Teachers will engage in and then craft their own language arts activities that engage both the child and the budding adult in each of their students. Activities will address reading, writing, thinking, speaking, and listening skills.

14399 • The Canvas Connection: Intermediate Users-Cullowhee

276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee, NC 28723

Designed for those that have participated in NCCAT’s “Canvas Connections: Beginning Users” program or that have comparable intensive Canvas training.

Canvas, North Carolina’s Learning Management System (LMS), is your place for one stop learning and course management. Teachers who are currently using Canvas will learn how to use buttons and banners to give their course a more professional look. Engage students by creating blended lessons using Canvas and a variety of Web tools. Design an ePortfolio for professional use. Become more familiar with using an LMS to collaborate with teachers from across the state. This program is designed for intermediate users and will allow teachers time to map their course for an entire semester using the calendar feature.

14396 • The Perfect Curriculum Storm: Using Literacy, Digital Learning, and Science to Study Extreme Weather Events - Ocracoke

2 Irvin Garrish Highway, PO Box 1540, Ocracoke, NC 27960

Extreme weather events offer multiple opportunities to create engaging lessons across grade levels and the curriculum. Real-time media coverage of devastating storms like Katrina creates the ideal catalyst for motivating student interest in science, math, literacy, technology, and social studies lessons. Hear accounts from Outer Banks residents who have experienced hurricanes firsthand and see evidence of damage caused by recent storms. Partner with science, literacy, and digital learning experts to explore how extreme weather events are the perfect curriculum storm for creating lessons that will enhance K–12 instruction.