CULLOWHEE (September 08, 2015)—A special meeting of the board of trustees of the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching will be held, via conference call, at 1 p.m. on Friday, September 11, 2015.
14058 • I Have Literacy Data: Now What? - Ocracoke
Elementary teachers use a variety of literacy assessments (mClass, STAR, benchmarks, unit tests, spelling inventories, etc.) in order to get a complete picture of their students’ literacy ability. These assessments generate a lot of data that can be overwhelming. Investigate how to get the most out of the literacy data by linking assessment data to literacy instruction. Explore ways to manage the data for each student. Discover ways to use literacy data to plan for individual, small, and whole group instruction while examining strategies to differentiate instruction to meet the learning needs of all students.