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The NCCAT Way: Leading Learning, Growing Together held at Cullowhee campus

NCCAT Way presenters working together.

Thirty-eight presenters from across North Carolina joined NCCAT in Cullowhee for "The NCCAT Way: Leading Learning, Growing Together" Feb. 17-18 at the Cullowhee campus.

Refining their craft as presenters is essential to meet the growing needs of NC teachers. They joined together to collaborate to grow as facilitators of professional learning. They delved into The NCCAT Way to explore design approaches for multiple-day programs. As current and future NCCAT presenters, they had opportunities to collaborate and network with colleagues while learning new strategies for facilitating professional learning. Among the educational groups participating was the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Best practices and protocols for leading learning at NCCAT were a major theme of the event.

Join us for NCCAT professional development! NCCAT's instructional programs reflect the broad range of unique professional development topics for public school teachers and other educators. Challenging formats, combined with professional learning communities, shape the NCCAT offerings. All programs incorporate state standards.