To help students to decode more complex, multisyllabic words, teach them a word analysis strategy.
early grades literacy
Early Grade Literacy specialist joins NCCAT faculty to support statewide professional development needs
In striving to meet North Carolina’s current and future needs in early grades literacy, The North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching has hired Early Grades Literacy Specialist Gin Hodge to support teachers in incorporating early grades literacy learning into their instruction.
NCCAT, a recognized national leader in professional development programming for teachers, responded to an expressed statewide need for professional development in the area of early grades literacy.
Fall Literacy offerings available now from NCCAT
CULLOWHEE - If you are looking for Fall Literacy professional development the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching can help. NCCAT, a recognized national leader in professional development programming for teachers, has historically provided strong literacy support for teachers throughout the grade span. Those type of high-quality professional development experiences will be available again this fall.
It is not too late to join NCCAT this Fall for programming
NCCAT offers a continuum of professional development unlike any other in the nation, including programs for beginning teachers, interdisciplinary seminars for experienced teachers, and site-based instructional support, including relevant state standards, and leadership training.