Join us this summer for transformative professional development at NCCAT. Our residential programs provide educators with the tools, strategies, and support to elevate their teaching. Each week, teachers engage in content-rich instruction, explore proven methodologies, and receive coaching to implement new insights effectively.
The goal? To empower educators to create classrooms where students are more engaged, self-motivated, and successful.
Exciting offerings this summer include:
- Gamify Secondary Literacy
- Thinking Classrooms in Elementary & Middle School Math
- The Three Dimensions of Science Education
- Success from the Start (for beginning teachers)
These and many more seminars are available at our Cullowhee and Ocracoke locations. Register now!
- Honored Educator Scholarships (HES) offer a fully funded opportunity to attend an NCCAT seminar of your choice! Scholarships cover all costs—program materials, lodging, meals, transportation, and even a substitute teacher. Plus, recipients receive $250 for classroom use. Learn more and apply today: [Insert link]