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Upcoming NCCAT professional development in November

Program going on at NCCAT with teachers.

In November, North Carolina educators have several opportunities to attend the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT), a recognized national leader in professional development programming for teachers.

Registration for these programs is open now. Applicants are encouraged to register as soon as possible to ensure a spot. Programs are available to North Carolina educators at the Cullowhee and Ocracoke campuses, online, and with NCCAT faculty visiting school districts. From our literacy-focused programs to digital learning to STEM, math, and science, we have plenty of offerings designed to help teachers positively impact student learning across our state.

What teachers say about attending NCCAT:

Beginning Teacher Support: “It’s been going extremely well compared to last semester. I have spent a lot more time on procedures and community building, and it seems to be working...the students know my quiet signal and have been self-policing. I haven’t found myself having to repeat instructions as often. The seminar at NCCAT truly made me feel so much more confident in my abilities going into this year, and I think it has been noticed by my students and my colleagues. No thoughts of quitting in the first four days!”

Digital Learning: “This professional development gave me a plethora of resources to use to help students engage on the internet in meaningful ways. I enjoy resources that allow all students to participate, as it helps bring quieter/more reserved students into the class more fully. I also am incredibly excited about helping students to start engaging more fully and think more critically about the information they are taking in. It allows me to differentiate learning and break down tasks for each student.”

Math: "I have new ways of creating exciting choice boards/playlists/pathways as well as great things to do with my small groups to better focus in on skills that are important for them to master. Best math professional development I've ever experienced."

Literacy: "This has been best professional learning experience I've had in my 17 years of teaching. Not only was it directly connected to my content area, but it was also extremely engaging and full of useful knowledge that will help be become a better educator."

STEM: "It was so amazing to be among other educators with similar interests and vast expertise. I have learned so much from not only the instructors but the other participants as well. I'm looking forward to sharing this in the classroom!"