Exciting virtual programs available in April with NCCAT. Sign up now for these programs that can be taken anywhere, anytime. The sessions general last around an hour. NCCAT helps North Carolina teachers grow in knowledge, skills, compassion, and professionalism so that students become engaged, self-motivated, and successful. NCCAT works to support teachers and impact students. April programs are: Embracing Math Vocabulary and Meta Cognitive Strategies.
These programs provide educators with rewarding, empowering, and genuine experiences in the NCCAT high-quality professional development model. Apply now to ensure you are able to join us in the program.
Embracing Math Vocabulary - April 4, 2022
Developing essential vocabulary is more than just memorizing words. What are these important number sense terms and how do we use precise language to develop understandings? Join us from 4pm-5:15pm for this virtual session to learn strategies for teaching equivalency in the math classroom and discover ways to use precise language for K-6 foundational math vocabulary. This session is designed for math teachers and instructional coaches in grades K-6.
Meta Cognitive Strategies - April 6, 2022
Increasing student agency, engagement, and self-regulation are priorities, now more than ever. Yet how can we find time to do that with our already-busy schedules? Utilizing a metacognitive teaching approach checks all of these boxes! Join us online from 4-5 pm as we explore strategies to make learning stick. This session will empower students to own their academic pathways, and harness the power of the brain in motivation. This session is designed for K-12 classroom teachers and instructional coaches.
More at https://bit.ly/3undvzC