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This event celebrates the significant contributions of CTE teachers who are preparing students for success in their future careers and academic endeavors.
Join us for an immersive journey into the dynamic intersection of technology and mathematics education. This program is designed for math educators in grades K-8.
This program will guide you in observing and enhancing a child’s writing, using research-based best practices tailored for the K-5 classroom.

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Teachers talking at Ocracoke session.
Calling all K-5 social studies teachers! Join us at NCCAT Ocracoke for K-5 Social Studies: Where Inquiry Sets Sail. Dive deep into the Inquiry Design Model (IDM) and craft engaging inquiry opportunities that will captivate your students. You'll learn how to develop thought-provoking questions, evaluate sources, and use evidence to build strong claims in the social studies classroom. This is more than just professional development—it's a chance to elevate your teaching and inspire your students. Join us and bring new knowledge, skills, and best practices back to your classroom for improved student performance and achievement.
NCCAT teacher statute on Cullowhee campus.
Want to stay informed about upcoming professional development? Subscribe to the NCCAT newsletter and get the information you need right in your inbox. Information on Spring 2025 professional development will be coming out in the Fall. Find out about it first with the NCCAT newsletter. NCCAT provides teachers with new knowledge, skills, teaching methods, best practices and information to take back to their classrooms through high-quality professional development. The ultimate result is improved performance and achievement by North Carolina’s students. We serve every school district in North Carolina. Meals and lodging are provided.