We hope everyone has the best school year yet! If we can help let us know. Here are some numbers from NC DPI on the opening of school in our state -
An estimated 1,537,643 students will kick off a new school year this week while students at North Carolina’s nearly 130 year-round schools jumped back into the swing of things earlier this month. This number of students represents an increase of 17,000 from last year and an increase of more than 61,000 from 2008-09. Among these students, an estimated 1.459 million will attend one of North Carolina’s 2,442 traditional public schools while an estimated 78,000 plan to attend one of the 160 charter schools. And so far nearly 20,000 students have enrolled to take at least one online course this fall through the nation’s second largest state-supported virtual school, the North Carolina Virtual Public School.