Join the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching this Spring for high-quality professional development in Early Grades Literacy!
3797: Supporting the Literacy of Gifted Children in the Early Grades
January 11-15, 2015, Ocracoke
Meeting the needs of academically or intellectually gifted children can be a challenge for teachers who have these students in regular classroom settings. Enrichment programs which serve these students can also be limited. Still, the North Carolina General Assembly, through special legislation, mandates that public schools identify and serve these students, and each LEA is required to have an AIG plan. This program will bring together teachers of AIG students with experts in the field of gifted education. Join us at NCCAT as we explore the policies and practices of AIG expectations,
create ways to challenge these gifted children, enhance their literacy needs, and encourage them toward continual intellectual growth.
13860: Learning to Read While Reading to Learn: Early Grades Literacy in Science
February 9-12, Ocracoke
We learn to read and write to make sense of and communicate about everything we encounter. When students write about what they see, they engage with the material in an intentional manner. When they have interesting experiences, they write more and with more energy. Join us as we investigate ways of incorporating the NC State Essential Standards in Science with appropriate reading and writing activities-all aimed at strengthening our students' facility in both areas. Taking advantage of the numerous ecosystems in close proximity to NCCAT, we will use literacy activities to enhance our engagement and understanding of several field activities. Teachers will have the opportunity to adapt the activities to their local ecosystems and students' literacy levels. This program is primarily targeted at pre-K through third-grade teachers, but is appropriate for all grade levels.
13864: Building a Strong Early Grades Literacy Foundation
February 16-20, Ocracoke
Let NCCAT help you meet the challenges raised by the North Carolina Read to Achieve Program (a part of the Excellent Public Schools Act). Join us as we examine literacy initiatives and discover the best practices for developing a welcoming and enriching reading and writing environment for the early childhood classroom. Open to teachers in grades K-3, the program will focus on developing teaching strategies that link literacy and play, develop phonological and print awareness, embed literacy instruction in the basic activities of early learning, create engaging read-aloud experiences, and support emergent reading and writing.
Click here for application instructions. Hope to see you soon!