Teams from Mitchell County and Wake County we're with us in Cullowhee recently for Research & Development Teams programs.
Schools from Mitchell County were - Dayton Elementary, Bowman Middle, Mitchell High, and Harris Middle. The title of their project was "Innovative STEM Discovery Labs." The Mitchell County School System strives to provide opportunities for students to learn in an environment that is well-equipped with rich digital and 21st century resources. The Innovative STEM Discovery Labs that will be housed at each school in this district will provide students with valuable hands-on manipulative and interactive resources. This project will help enable teachers to use 21st century tools and resources to teach content and skills to students in the areas of math, science, technology and engineering.
Groups from Wake County included Holly Grove Middle School, Holly Ridge Middle School and Wake County Centeral office personnel. The title of their project was "Ensuring Equity and Access to Rigorous Coursework." This district has been actively seeking ways to increase enrollment and achievement in rigorous high school coursework, including honors and AP courses, working to increase enrollment of traditionally underrepresented subgroups in these class. The week provided this cross-functional leadership team time for research, development, and planning that will ultimately impact over 80,000 secondary students in Wake County.
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